weaving. . .

Weaving a little fun into lunch. . .

A little fun goes a very long way when it comes to getting people of a certain height to actually eat something.
My kids aren't picky, just very unmotivated eaters. Adding a little "fancy" to their meals makes them disappear much faster and
helps me stay sane. No begging, pleading or threats of "no dessert" necessary.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Finally friday!

Lunch 43

Lunch: Nutella on whole wheat hearts, cheese cubes, granny smith apple and corn.
Friend: Bald Eagle
Snacks: Pumpkin mini muffins and a kid sized Clif bar with organic fruit leather strip.
Drinks: Blueberry iced white tea, chocolate milk from school.

It's the end of the week! Yay! For some reason, this week has been long and tiring.
We are all mostly recovered from whatever bug plagued us. Still a lot of heavy duty coughing around here, but fevers are gone and appetites are almost normal.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Lunch 43

Lunch: Chobani cherry yogurt and mac 'n cheese shells, the extra yummy creamy kind. Half an apple (local honey crisp), carrot hearts, cucumber flowers and cut up red grapes.
Snacks: granola bar and a cheese stick with pretzels
Drinks: blueberry iced tea and chocolate milk from school
Friend: today she took a little plastic carebear, it didn't fit in the top, since this bento is super shallow on top and the bottom was just too wet for me to put it there. yuck. So it went in the lunch bag, photo forgotten.

Ok, so this bento was the score of the year I think. I paid less than $3 for it! It is sort of huge though. That is no standard muffin cup in there! It's a 6 oz silicone baking cup! The grapes are in a mini baking cup.
The real value however is in how much my little lady loves it. It has been hugged, a lot. The girl who would only ever take the panda bento box to school has finally branched out. Yay for her and for me!
So the "switcheroo" refers to the new box and the fact that the title and lunch number (boring as a title) have switched.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lunch 42

Thinking About Themes. . .

Lunch: Hard boiled egg, half an apple, green bell pepper strips, carrot flowers and a couple grapes. A whale is swimming in a sea of cheddar popcorn in the top piece.
Snacks: Yogurt and a granola bar.
Drinks: chocolate milk from school and a bottle of ice cubes/juice from home

I have been thinking about themes lately. I started the "Two for Tuesdays" last week because my younger daughter wanted famous lunches too! She's the one that sees me doing this and wanted to be a part of it.
I am running out of new critters to stick in the lunches. I'll keep doing it because it's her favorite part, but those are going to become repetitive. I have been enjoying the challenge of trying new things lately so maybe I need to challenge myself a little more. Maybe I need a daily theme. Maybe I'm a little too well rested today and getting myself in over my head! I seem to enjoy being in over my head though. . .

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Two for Tuesdays

Challenge Accepted

So the weekly challenge over on the Bento Blog Network was onigiri. Basically it is a pressed or molded portable rice dish. Rice fast food!
I was lacking the oh so important sushi rice, and with the kiddos being less adventurous when they are sick, I opted for a sweeter version. A spoonful sugar was my glue and I added a dash of cinnamon for flavor. The rice was pressed into cookie cutters while hot and popped onto a plate when cool. I colored it with a couple drops of food coloring during cooking and the little ladies are pleased with the results! Me too, actually.

Extras in these photos include kiwi stem and leaves, a prune on the top flower and fruit strip butterfly with apple details.

Lunch 41

Still Struggling with Appetites. . .

Lunch: Pumpkin pie custard. Carrot slices. Bagel with cream cheese and apple wedges. Friend, not shown. I forgot to add the critter until the last second!
Snacks: Granola bar, yogurt smoothie and popcorn

Monday, November 14, 2011

Lunch 40

Back to School!

Lunch: Annies mac n cheese ( Bunny Shaped Pasta with Yummy Cheese), half-ish of a granny smith apple, pumpkin muffin, cucumber slices, red gecko (I think it's a gecko) and two lemon cookies.
Snacks: chocolate chip granola bar and Smartfood cheddar popcorn.

So I sent the coughing little one to school. She feels great, no fever, just a wicked cough. I hope she makes it through the day alright! She was so upset at the thought of missing another day that I couldn't bear to keep her here. No running rule is in effect today!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Almost Impossible

It's very hard to get these kids to eat when they are so sick!

cheese, banana, kiwi and apple

I broke out the Dora plate and napkins! This tiny amount of food was not finished, but at least they ate something. . . I rewarded them with cups of pumpkin pie filling. Of course they ate that!