weaving. . .

Weaving a little fun into lunch. . .

A little fun goes a very long way when it comes to getting people of a certain height to actually eat something.
My kids aren't picky, just very unmotivated eaters. Adding a little "fancy" to their meals makes them disappear much faster and
helps me stay sane. No begging, pleading or threats of "no dessert" necessary.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Two for Tuesdays

Challenge Accepted

So the weekly challenge over on the Bento Blog Network was onigiri. Basically it is a pressed or molded portable rice dish. Rice fast food!
I was lacking the oh so important sushi rice, and with the kiddos being less adventurous when they are sick, I opted for a sweeter version. A spoonful sugar was my glue and I added a dash of cinnamon for flavor. The rice was pressed into cookie cutters while hot and popped onto a plate when cool. I colored it with a couple drops of food coloring during cooking and the little ladies are pleased with the results! Me too, actually.

Extras in these photos include kiwi stem and leaves, a prune on the top flower and fruit strip butterfly with apple details.


  1. Very colorful & a great take on the challenge! :)

  2. Thanks everyone!!! I cannot believe what a huge hit they were. They have been requested by both girls for future lunches. I was impressed by how well they held together too.

  3. wow!!really love this,great for kids...
    Found you from Bento Network...
    If you don't mind,give a link to my on going event
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