Lunch 67
Lunch: Nutella on whole wheat hearts and cheese cubes with a beloved little lion friend in the bottom. Cracker nutella sandwiches, roasted almonds, craisins and a few m&m's in the top.
Snacks: A banana and cheddar popcorn
Drinks: Chocolate milk, watered down juice.
So, this is not exactly the "fancy" I had planned. This lunch was from a few days ago. A day I didn't get around to posting. Instead of getting up early and doing the daily thing, I got a wonderful gift. The gift of sleep! I woke to the voices of the alarm clock radio. They were talking about school closings. They were listing our county, and then our town! Snow day! I turned off the alarm and dozed for a few more minutes. Then the phone rang, it was the school. Ahhh, confirmation. I went back to sleep. It was beautiful.
I did not have to drag a single kid out of bed today. No whimpers from under covers. No moans of being too tired to get up. No rushed breakfast and snow boot hunts. No missing mittens, lost socks, crazy tangled bed heads or forgotten homework. We all got an extra hour and change of sleep. After fighting colds and being worn out from life in general, this was a well needed, surprise mini vacation. Snow days are for moms too!