Lunch 43
Lunch: Chobani cherry yogurt and mac 'n cheese shells, the extra yummy creamy kind. Half an apple (local honey crisp), carrot hearts, cucumber flowers and cut up red grapes.
Snacks: granola bar and a cheese stick with pretzels
Drinks: blueberry iced tea and chocolate milk from school
Friend: today she took a little plastic carebear, it didn't fit in the top, since this bento is super shallow on top and the bottom was just too wet for me to put it there. yuck. So it went in the lunch bag, photo forgotten.
Ok, so this bento was the score of the year I think. I paid less than $3 for it! It is sort of huge though. That is no standard muffin cup in there! It's a 6 oz silicone baking cup! The grapes are in a mini baking cup.
The real value however is in how much my little lady loves it. It has been hugged, a lot. The girl who would only ever take the panda bento box to school has finally branched out. Yay for her and for me!
So the "switcheroo" refers to the new box and the fact that the title and lunch number (boring as a title) have switched.