weaving. . .

Weaving a little fun into lunch. . .

A little fun goes a very long way when it comes to getting people of a certain height to actually eat something.
My kids aren't picky, just very unmotivated eaters. Adding a little "fancy" to their meals makes them disappear much faster and
helps me stay sane. No begging, pleading or threats of "no dessert" necessary.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Lunch 47

more snowflakes. . .

Lunch: Two nutella and whole wheat holiday tree sandwiches. "Frosted" hard boiled egg. Carrots, grapes and a cookie. Home made, holiday themed, shrinky dink style plastic food picks and characters.
Snacks: Granola bar and mix of pretzels and multiple flavors of goldfish crackers.
Drinks: Chocolate milk from school and cranberry-peach juice from home.

This week's bento challenge: make your own food picks. I used the clear plastic tops from last week's pies and sharpie markers. A little coloring, cutting and baking and ta daaaa! I was amazed at how much they shrunk! About 75%! Impressive and fun. The kids were almost as amused as I was.


  1. That's neat! I didn't know you could do that with the clear plastic covers from pie tins...make your own shrinky-dinks. Your picks came out great!

    The shrinky-dink film you buy at the store is a bit pricey. --I know, because I just bought some the other day! (Maybe I need to return it and find some pie tin covers??!)

  2. Shrinky Dinks! Cute! Glad you mentioned the film Koogle. I thought of purchasing some for a bday craft...but I'll skip pricey!

  3. Hey, thanks! I am never throwing #6 plastic out again. That's all you need! I baked them at 325 for about 3 minutes. It curls like crazy, then flattens back out again. So easy and fun!

  4. Great!! Thanks for the additional details. I'm going to try it!

  5. How creative! Never thought of using shrink art for bentos. Tks 4 sharing! :)

  6. i am not really sure which kind of plastic tops to use, would you mind sharing a step by step tutorial? Thanks. :)

  7. Any #6 plastic. Look for the little triangle with a 6 in it. Think deli counter cookie containers, salad bars, that crinkly take out clear stuff that has the button/snap plastic closures. You know the ones that give you away when you try to sneak a cookie or rip when you open them and threaten to slash your finger.
    I would totally love to do a tutorial, but first I need more cookies, or pie! There are lots out there, look up " homemade shrinky dinks".
    Have fun!
