weaving. . .

Weaving a little fun into lunch. . .

A little fun goes a very long way when it comes to getting people of a certain height to actually eat something.
My kids aren't picky, just very unmotivated eaters. Adding a little "fancy" to their meals makes them disappear much faster and
helps me stay sane. No begging, pleading or threats of "no dessert" necessary.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Lunch 38

Two for Tuesday

Apple Spaghetti and "Cheat" balls with fruit strip "sauce".
This was for my 3 year olds lunch today.
It's apple cut into noodles, a fruit strip for the sauce and whole wheat sandwich balls filled with peanut butter and honey!
I really wanted to grate some white chocolate on top for the cheese effect, but alas we have none on hand. I served it with a small glass of vanilla yogurt, which looked like milk and some carrot sticks. It tricked her for a second and then she laughed like crazy!

Lunch for the 5 year old: Hard boiled egg, half an apple, red pepper strips and an elephant in the bento bottom. Nutella on graham crackers and goldfish in the top.
Snacks: A banana and mini pumpkin muffins.
Drinks: Milk from school and juice from home.


  1. Haha...love it! Thanks for participating in the meme at Bento Blog Network! I am following you now!

  2. Yay!
    I had fun and look forward to participating in more!

  3. I love the apple spaghetti & cheat balls! Super cute. :)
