weaving. . .

Weaving a little fun into lunch. . .

A little fun goes a very long way when it comes to getting people of a certain height to actually eat something.
My kids aren't picky, just very unmotivated eaters. Adding a little "fancy" to their meals makes them disappear much faster and
helps me stay sane. No begging, pleading or threats of "no dessert" necessary.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wild Wednesday

Today was different. Today I was required to pack and send a non bento lunch. I have never done that before and I was completely lost for a moment. 
My daughter had a field trip and needed a lunch that was disposable. Nothing to carry around after they finished eating. A day of no containers! I was stumped by this until some caffeine hit my brain. 
Sandwich baggies! Duh. Non perishable stuff due to the lack of ice pack. Minimal food so that there was less anguish over tossed snacks. Easy, quick and mess free foods that I'll pack in. . . uhhhh. . . hmmmm. Brown paper lunch bags are not usually something we keep on hand. A paper gift bag! No, kiddo would never throw that out 'cause they're too pretty. A grocery bag? No, too flimsy. . .
I finally settled on a reusable little fabric bag, had the kiddo practice folding it and stuff it in her jacket pocket. She was happy, so I was happy. 
I made the lunch and sent her on her merry way. No picture. My brain was fried from all the extra thinking I did! Oh well, it was just a jumble of shiny plastic bags anyway.

Lunch: Nutella on whole wheat cowgirl boot (girl still needs a little style). Green grapes, carrot sticks, two mini pumpkin muffins, small chocolate chip cookie and a mini Clif bar.

For some reason I decided recently that cornrows were the thing to do that day. I have never been good at those tiny braids. How do people do that? I have tried. My fingers feel like I imagine anyone's would feel at a teeny tiny tea party. Too big. So I settled for this. It's kind of cute. By far the smallest french braids I have ever done in rows. Too big to be official cornrows?

Ignore the clutter that is life, which continues and intensifies when I concentrate on anything other than whether or not the baby is throwing toys and other random things. In this case there were many great gifts presented to her majesty as she was having her hair done. 

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