weaving. . .

Weaving a little fun into lunch. . .

A little fun goes a very long way when it comes to getting people of a certain height to actually eat something.
My kids aren't picky, just very unmotivated eaters. Adding a little "fancy" to their meals makes them disappear much faster and
helps me stay sane. No begging, pleading or threats of "no dessert" necessary.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday: Snooze Day

Lunch 70

Lunch: Buttered whole wheat sea creatures. A small chocolate chip cookie. Happy face carved mini babybel cheese. Half an apple, surrounded by cucumber, red and green peeper chunks and a mini bottle of ranch dressing.
Snacks: Granola bar, whole grain pretzel twists.
Drinks: chocolate milk and water.

The youngest member of our little clan decided to keep everyone awake from about 1 am to 5 am. We are all pretty sleepy today!

1 comment:

  1. Very cute and simple! ^^ Hehe, I know how you feel (a bit) about the sleepiness!
