So we have survived week two, and four more lunches! I'm pretty impressed with the success so far. It is getting easier. I'm actually able to put a little thought towards the pictures the last couple of days. I haven't made any real improvements, but at least I thought about it! Next week I will attempt to go beyond a ten second photo shoot before I stuff everything into the backpack.
Day 4: Tomatoes from Grandma's garden and cherry halves in the top section. Mini bagel with cream cheese, trail mix and a cookie in the bottom. Friend: a panda that she has treasured for years.
Snacks: Smoothie and granola bar bites, cinnamon buttered bread and a fruit strip. Diluted juice for the drink.
Day 5: Heart shaped hard boiled egg and whole wheat pancakes with rainbow sprinkles in the bottom. Cantaloupe and grapes in the lid, which I noticed only after I tried to put everything together. Had to rearrange in a hurry.
Cheer Bear was today's friend. (Apparently her friends are starting to notice the lunch box visitors. They thought the bear was edible and all passed it around.)
Dip container has applesauce mixed with maple syrup and cinnamon, aka Maple-Apple-Dippers, our solution to the constant wanting of more syrup. It was MAD good idea, they end up with less syrup, but they don't know that!
Snacks: Yogurt for the morning, mini muffins and a fruit strip for the afternoon. Diluted juice. At least she gets a variety of juices.
Day 6: Pumpkin and cranberry-lemon mini muffins, more tomatoes, cheddar hearts and mozzarella circles. Fruit salad in the top. Yogurt smoothie (snack drink) and a fancy pants spoon. Look closely for the little otter hiding behind a tomato.
Not shown is the little container of carefully arranged crackers. It was cute, I took a picture, picture has vanished. Oh well.
Snacks: Smoothie, above, with granola bar bites for morning. Cereal bar for the afternoon. Juice, diluted, for the drink, again.
The finished product!
The red bag holds the morning snack and an ice pack made from corn syrup and water and two balloons. Under the cereal bar, the missing crackers! Proof of their existence, but not of their cool pattern. Notice the baby monitor appears in two of this day's photos. I really must try to put in some effort.
Day 7: Grilled cheese on whole wheat hearts, pretzel bites and a maple frosted cookie in the bottom. Cherry and grape halves, cucumber and carrot flowers. A black and white bunny went for a ride today.
Snacks: Smoothie and granola bar bites, mini muffins and a fruit cup. Today she took lemonade for a change.
Another week bites the dust and I am so happy it's over! I miss the lazy, crazy, hazy days of summer already! So next weeks goal is better pictures and maybe, just maybe, individual day posts.
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